Tuesday, October 25, 2005

land of hypochondriacs

As you've probably heard on the news, the bird flu is hitting Eastern Europe, as close as Romania or Turkey. The reaction of some Albanians is not to eat any more poultry products. So it's becoming much more difficult to find eggs and chicken in the stores. Albanians are typically hypochondriacs, and no matter what ailment you have, their response is "You've caught cold." And you had better not drink cold water or you'll get a sore throat. And if you have a sore throat, don't by any means, eat ice cream or anything cold! My favorite is this: if you're a girl and you sit on the cold cement without anything underneath you, YOUR OVARIES WILL FREEZE! Sometimes I just have to chuckle, but sometimes it gets downright frustrating. Especially when you're not allowed to walk barefoot in your own house! I guess 50 years of limited access to the outside world has had its toll on the medical field as well as everything else! :)

1 comment:

Charley & Marianne said...

Well...I guess my ovaries wont freeze if I sit on concrete. But, then again....I guess I don't want anything else to freeze down there either!!! I'm not going to stop drinking ice water, or washing my hair in the morning and sometimes leaving the house with my hair wet. And, when my wife and I have children, we're not going to dress them up like Eskimoes when it's pretty and sunny outside. We will be accused, I'm sure, of being neglectful parents, and be told they are going to die of the greep. But...you know I'm almost 42 years old and I didn't die of the greep because my Mamma let me go bare footed most of my life. That's just what we did in Arkansas whether it was cold outside or not! We didn't have shoes in Arkansas, you know, and we survived somehow. We drank sweet ice tea year round and are still alive to tell about it! If they would just go barefooted and drink sweet ice tea they'd be much better off in Albania don't you think?!? That's all I've got to say....ya'll come back now ya hear!!!